Tuesday, February 28, 2012

newspaper notes

*broudsheet is the big ones.
*tabloids is the smaller ones.
*akins current ones is broud.
*the average number of stories is between 3 and 5.
*news value
*the flag is the name of the newspaper
*teaser is making you go to the page they want you to go/ teasers do not to have photos they can have notes.
*folio: school name, date, and slogen.
*some newspaper have the cost of the newspaper.
*every good page should have a headline.
*the headline should be written in the first paragraph.
*sub headline tells us more about the story.
*atleast one sub headline per page.
* by line: person who wrote it and theyre position
*your pages should have pictures.
*caption has three parts: caption head, photo by, actual caption itself
*(who what when why how)
*info graphics give you more information in graphic form./ have additional info that are not allowed in the story
*table of contents, volume number,issue number.
*mast head: policy, staff, organization

Front Pages of the World

1. What is your favorite newspaper front page? Why?
   "Manteca Bulletin" from california because i like how they organized it.

2. What is your favorite headline from that newspaper? Why are you interested in it?
  "Weather is for birds" i like how the picture came out it looks really pretty, plus the picture matches the headline.

3. How many stories are on the front page of your favorite?
    7 stories

4. What do you  notice that all newspaper front pages have in common?
     they all kinda have the same fronts just diffrent stroys and pictures

5. What are things that vary on the front pages of different newspapers?
the title, pictures