Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I like this photo because of the quality and how it came out so bright and clear.
Also because of her style and the make up she has
it looks pretty on her.
I would like to submit this photo for good style and beauty.

It all started when it was first of April which is April Fools and what happen was when Kahana's image was photoshop by an ultra- Olthodox Jewish newspaper, someone had fooled with the image. Which was a terminal offense at most U.S. daily newspapers. Also during the same conflict Issam Kobeisi made two images for Reuters and Hussein Malla of one A.P of a women wailing infront of a bombed house. But the strange thing about three photots was that the women was in it, but in diffrent locations and time.
But other than all that the April Fools Day continues, and they finally found the solution.

I think this type of photo is unethical for that country because it can be offense to other people and plus its not funny to them.

A. I think this is the most unethical because who would want there teeth like that, i bet the women
woud have been offended when they showed her teeth like that.

B. I think this the least unethical because it is true she is the richest plus it
doesnt offend no one.

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