Friday, January 6, 2012

Best of 2011

I like this one because it shows the lights going up to the sky to the people who were killed during the 9/11
to show them for being brave during all that happen.

I think this picture shows that everyone is happy that Bin Laden is dead which
is a good thing because of what he did on 9/11.

This picture i love because it shows that dogs are loyal to their owners. This dog lies down next
to his owners cascket during the funeral, after he was killed during war.

1. What was the best song of 2011?
Adele- Rolling In The Deep, because she is just a amazing singer. I love her songs.
Her songs show true meaning about what she feels or what she has gone through.

2. What was the best movie of 2011?
i have to say Winnie The Pooh, i thought it was the cutest and funny
movie from them. i really liked it.

3. What was the most important news story of the year?
I think it was the Japan Earthquake, because they just had another earthquake in the beginning of 2012
and they were like still recovering. Alot of people wont have no were to stay or what to eat.

. What was the biggest sports OR entertainment story OR sports/entertainment person of 2011?
I think football was the biggest sport for 2011 because mostly everyday
people were watching it. Even during black friday when the longhorns were playing people were at walmart watching it and buying stuff.

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