Friday, April 13, 2012

Question and answers #1

School Uniforms

1. Do you agree with the school boards?
2. Would you like to wear the uniform?
3. If the uniform does happen what would you do?
4. Would the uniform be easier than spending money on shopping for clothes?
5. Do you think everyone would get together and cancel the uniform thing?
6. If it does happen, do you think the color should be the school colors?
7. If you were forced to wear a uniform would you even listen?
8. Will you still come to school if it does happen?
9. Would you just come the way you feel like it and not wear the uniform?
10. Should shorts and skirts be allowed or just jeans?
11. Would you like to wear the button up shirt as a uniform?
12. Do you think everyone should be require to wear a tie?
13. What do you hope to accomplish with the school uniforms?
14. Why do you or dont want the uniforms?
15. Do you think this will affect some students for not following the rules?
16. How do you think this will affect the school?
17. Do you think parents will like this idea?
18. Do you think people have the right to wear whatever they want?
19. Would you do anything to bring the old dress code back?
20. Will you move schools if nothing works to get rid of the school uniforms?

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