Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self Portrait and Portraits Part II AND Rules of Photography Part II

1.) Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.

2.) Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.

3.) Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!

I choosed this photo because it shows all over the walls of how the person is feeling, alone, depressed, etc.
and the color black and white goes along well with the feeling of this picture.

             I really like this picture of the two couples kissing and showing that they love eachother.

     The thing i like this picture it shows one couple holding hands and walking through the long
                                                                grass on a pretty day.

And the thing i like about this picture is of the family showing love towards eachother and the
mom and dad kissing their son in the cheek.

I think this picture is pretty cool. it shows scary hands ponting to the women
dress in a clown and it shows that she is afraid.

              Another picture that i thought it was cool. Of how the men just sits there with a bunch of dvd's
all around him. It just comes and shows that he likes watching movies.

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them

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