Monday, December 5, 2011

Shortlist Warm-Up


I think this is pretty cool. I like how in the bottom there is a little whiter leaf tree and in the backgroung is a huge hill cover of grass.


I like how in this picture goes well with the title "travel".
And how it shows the man and the two people on the boat to the side and the rest of the background it shows were they are heading too.


This one was really hard to pick there was alot of photos i liked. But what i like most about this picture is the background and how the picture looks.

Family and Friendship:

This picture shows two people having a great time in their favorite restaurant where they always been meeting. I like this picure because you're never too old to have any fun.


I like how the camera is focusing on the balloon and the girl is a little blurry in the background, also how great the quality came out of the picture.


This picture is really cool and also scary i wouldnt want to be in the middle of the poles because i would be afraid of falling, but other than that the man must be really brave.

Gardens and plants:

Its cool how this the reflection from a pond, i really thought the trees were like that and just photoshoped the picture.


Its cool how a bunch of birds always meet up where the electricity wire and just balance there and make alot of noise like their talking.

Creactive Licence:

It would be so cool if we can do this in real life. I wonder how they made the picture look like this.

Action and Movement:

This is a great example of action and movement. It shows the horses running fast to win the championship.
I like how it shows that they were going really fast to win.

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