Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Interview, student of the month blog

Student of the month.

1. Name? 

2. What grade are you in? 

3. What academy are you in? 

4. Whats your age? 

5. Do you like being student of the month? 
Yes, you get to do whatever you want

6.  Whats your favorite subject? 

7.  Do you study a lot? 
Not really hah

8. What is the highest grade you've got? 
like 105

9. What do you do to get where you are at right now? 
be smart and pass all your classes

10. Are you passing all your classes? 

11. Do you get along with all the students? 
yes some of them

12. Did alot of people ask you for help during that month? 
yes i felt very special

13. Do you stay after school a lot?
 No i go home and sleep

14. Do you think you will be student of the month again? 
I doubt i will.

15. What are you going to study on the future?
 nothing im going to drop out

16. Do you plan on going to college? 
no never

17. Do you get a reward if you are student of the month?
 yes i got like 30 dollars

18. Do you enjoy being student of the month? 
yes i do.

19. Do people look up to you since you're student of the month?
 yes because I'm smart

20. Do you have great attendence and good grades? 
No! i skip a lot

21. Which teacher awarded you the student of the month?
 Mr. Reeves

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