Tuesday, May 15, 2012

New Briefs

Who: Travis Logan
What: First Place winner in visual merchandising at district DECA
When: April
Where: Union College two weeks ago
Why: They will go to state contest
How: By competing 

Summary lead 1: Senior, Travis Logan was first place winner for DECA competition in Visual Merchandising that was held on Union College which was about two weeks ago. On April he will go on a state contest.

Summary lead 2: High school student, senior Travis Logan who was first winner in Visual Merchandising at district DECA competition which was two weeks ago held on Union College. And also junior Dee Contreras who was second place in written test.

Summary lead 3: Travis Logan a senior in high school, was first place winner in Visual Merchandising at district DECA competition that was held on Union College about two weeks ago. And now as a winner on April he will go to state contest. "My goal is taking first at state so i qualify for nation in Florida", Travis said.

Who: Color Guard
What: tryouts
When: Tuesday, May 27
Where: school campus
Why: girls grade 10-12 can compete for 16 positions
How: They need to have skills

Summary lead 1: Tuesday May 25 to May 27 on Thursday will be the tryouts for Color Guards on school campus on west side of the parking lot, for girls in grades 10 through 12th grade. They can compete for 16 positions that include dancing, coordination, rhythm. If you want to try out or need more info go to room 103 to see Ms. Cindy Barker the Color Guard adviser.

Summary lead 2: Girls that are in grade 10 to 12 can go tryout for Color Guard on Tuesday May 25 to Thursday May 27. They can compete 16 positions that can have dancing, rhythm, coordination and flag twirling ability. For more information you can go to Ms. Cindy Barker who is the Color Guard adviser in room 103

Summary lead 3: Color Guard tryouts on Tuesday, May 27 on school campus for girls in grade 10-12 grade, can
compete for 16 positions but have to have skills that dance, flag twirling ability and rhythm

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