Friday, December 9, 2011

Best Covers

1. List the numbers of every cover that features a PORTRAIT.

2, 3, 9, 10, 15, 19, 21, 22, 23, 26, 31, 32, 36, 37

2. Next to each number, write "Formal, Informal, or Environmental"

2 - informal
3 - informal
9 - informal
10 - formal
15 - informal
19 - formal
21 - informal
22 - formal
23 - informal
26 - formal
31 - formal
36 - informal
37 - environmental


Saul Steinbergs March 29, 1976 The New Yorker magazine cover, View of the World from 9th Avenue, has come to represent Manhattans telescoped perception of the country beyond the Hudson River. The cartoon showed the supposed limited mental geography of Manhattanites.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Magazine cover

1. the picture,

2. the logo

3. the coverlines

4. the type

5. the subject

Lytro warm up

1. What did you see happen when you clicked on the photo?
It got clearer where you clicked it at.

2. How does this new camera work?
When you click on a spot in the picture you can make the quality clearer and the rest

3. What do you think a photographer would have to know about to take this kind of photo (remember its a point-and-shoot, so its full manual mode, what do you need to know about)
How to take a good picture.

4. Is it worth the money?
Well i say yes, i would like to buy a camera like that.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Shortlist Warm-Up


I think this is pretty cool. I like how in the bottom there is a little whiter leaf tree and in the backgroung is a huge hill cover of grass.


I like how in this picture goes well with the title "travel".
And how it shows the man and the two people on the boat to the side and the rest of the background it shows were they are heading too.


This one was really hard to pick there was alot of photos i liked. But what i like most about this picture is the background and how the picture looks.

Family and Friendship:

This picture shows two people having a great time in their favorite restaurant where they always been meeting. I like this picure because you're never too old to have any fun.


I like how the camera is focusing on the balloon and the girl is a little blurry in the background, also how great the quality came out of the picture.


This picture is really cool and also scary i wouldnt want to be in the middle of the poles because i would be afraid of falling, but other than that the man must be really brave.

Gardens and plants:

Its cool how this the reflection from a pond, i really thought the trees were like that and just photoshoped the picture.


Its cool how a bunch of birds always meet up where the electricity wire and just balance there and make alot of noise like their talking.

Creactive Licence:

It would be so cool if we can do this in real life. I wonder how they made the picture look like this.

Action and Movement:

This is a great example of action and movement. It shows the horses running fast to win the championship.
I like how it shows that they were going really fast to win.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Self Portrait and Portraits Part II AND Rules of Photography Part II

1.) Think about your motivation and emotions: Blankly staring at the camera rarely gets good results. Be silly, don’t be afraid to over-act. The worst that can happen is that you fill up your memory card with useless photos; but you might also find yourself with a proper gold-nugget of a self portrait.

2.) Have fun with it. Be sexy. Be yourself. Be awesome. Be different. Be creative. Whatever you do, have fun with it. That’s part of the point, after all.

3.) Use a mirror! It seems so obvious, but how to use mirrors is important, too – take it down from the wall, and experiment!

I choosed this photo because it shows all over the walls of how the person is feeling, alone, depressed, etc.
and the color black and white goes along well with the feeling of this picture.

             I really like this picture of the two couples kissing and showing that they love eachother.

     The thing i like this picture it shows one couple holding hands and walking through the long
                                                                grass on a pretty day.

And the thing i like about this picture is of the family showing love towards eachother and the
mom and dad kissing their son in the cheek.

I think this picture is pretty cool. it shows scary hands ponting to the women
dress in a clown and it shows that she is afraid.

              Another picture that i thought it was cool. Of how the men just sits there with a bunch of dvd's
all around him. It just comes and shows that he likes watching movies.

1. Rule of thirds

2. Balancing Elements

3. Leading Lines

4. Symmetry and Patterns (repetition)

5. Viewpoint

6. Background

7. Create depth

8. Framing

9. Cropping

10. Mergers and avoiding them

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Portraits and Self-Portraits

I really like this photo because how good the quality of the picture came and
how great the background is.

I like this photo of how the girl has a dress with pictures of herself
which makes it obvious that she likes taking pictures.
I also think is very creative, and how good the picture came out.

Friday, November 18, 2011

1. List the changes that were made to the model's face in the computer. (Look carefully)
- neck
2. Is it ethically acceptable to change a person's appearance like this in a photo? Why or why not?
Not really, because thats not how they look its just photoshoped, there probably
just saying there ugly. Or if there using something to clean your face it might not be true like in the commercials.

3. Are there circumstances in which it would be more ethically wrong to do this type of manipulation?
No i dont think so

4. What types of changes are OK, and what aren't?
Like changing there hairstyles, or the makeup.

5. Explain what you think the differences are between fashion photography and photojournalism.
Fashion: photographing subjects related to fashions and or clothing. And photojournalism is like editing and putting new materials to the picture.

6. What relationship does each type of photography have to reality, and how does this affect the ethical practice of each? The editing part. It may affect some because that just changes how someone really looks or if they add something they dont want to be in it.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I like this photo because of the quality and how it came out so bright and clear.
Also because of her style and the make up she has
it looks pretty on her.
I would like to submit this photo for good style and beauty.

It all started when it was first of April which is April Fools and what happen was when Kahana's image was photoshop by an ultra- Olthodox Jewish newspaper, someone had fooled with the image. Which was a terminal offense at most U.S. daily newspapers. Also during the same conflict Issam Kobeisi made two images for Reuters and Hussein Malla of one A.P of a women wailing infront of a bombed house. But the strange thing about three photots was that the women was in it, but in diffrent locations and time.
But other than all that the April Fools Day continues, and they finally found the solution.

I think this type of photo is unethical for that country because it can be offense to other people and plus its not funny to them.

A. I think this is the most unethical because who would want there teeth like that, i bet the women
woud have been offended when they showed her teeth like that.

B. I think this the least unethical because it is true she is the richest plus it
doesnt offend no one.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

1. Tell me which amusement park featured in the two articles that you would like to visit and take your camera along and what about that park made you want to go there. Write at least a paragraph.

I would like to go to The Rocky Point Amusement Park because it looked pretty
to how it used to be, also i would like to see how it looks like now
in person.

2. Post one photo from that park. You may use the photos from the link, or you can google an entirely new photo. I would prefer to see a photo of the park in disrepair and not a photo of it when it was still operating.

3. Think of at least FIVE other unusual places you think would be of interest to photographers. List them.
* Circus world park
*Crystal pool
*Super Heroes
*Koga Family land

4. Mostly all of them amusement parks i picked are no longer useable there all forgotten.

Monday, October 24, 2011


A. What is the most powerful image from the slideshows? Why?

When the mom was crying (signing up). Because her son was leaving
and she didnt want to let him go because anything out there can happen.

B. What sequence of photographs is the most powerful? Why?

The first assignment, it show when they practice like almost all day so whenever they go
to war they will be ready.

C. How do the images work together to tell a story?

Its shows whenever he is signing up for the army and it goes through how it all goes, how they trained, whenever they did they're first assignment, and went out of the country to go fight Iraq.
And then he goes home and enjoys the rest of his break with family and friends.

A. For the photos in which Ian is the main subject of the photos, in what tense are the verbs usually written?

 Past tense.

B. How do the captions enhance the photographs?

By describing what they're doing.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Funny photos.

Man jumps into water and starts running on it as fast as he cans as the longhorn jumps in after him,
and i bet once he jumps in there he will sink.

                                             Dog tired of a long walk sits down like most human does
                                         and desrves a rest

Baby hungry, decides to look for something to eat.
Amd finds something way in the back and decides to go in there to get the food.

Cool Video

The video was really cool, i would have like if they put more other types of music instead of the band playing.
The maker of the video should have used a little bit more of quality.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


1. What do you have to do on the camera to make this type of photo?
By editing it.

2. Look up a Canon T3 on google and tell me if it has the ability to shoot bracketed photos?
Yes, they come with a great feature called Auto Exposure Bracketing (AEB).

3. Is there a place on campus we could take a series of photos like this?
Yes like in the courtyard.

I love this photo of the way the quality is, and how the waves are moving and how the sky looks.
Also by how sharp the picture looks like.


1. What theme that we could take here at school could we do a series of these panels to place around the school?
About the students, the library, orchestra, band, and art.

2. Should we use phones only, or should we open it up to our regular cameras for those people that don't have camera phones?
I think we should use both, because it wouldnt be fair for the people that dont have camera phones.

3. Where would you want to put the mural on campus?
In the band hall. or in the front of the office.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Fixed Photo Shoot Post shoot reflection

1. What did you learn about the camera when you took these photos?

That at first it ws kinda hard, but i learned how to changed the F to another number, and they all turned to be diffrent.

2. What do you notice about all the photos and the way they look?

Some look the same, most of the picture are white.

3. Can you tell the difference between each ISO? Explain how

It changes the lighting, it can make it bright or darker.

4. What does this tell you about ISOs and what it does when you change it when you take pictures.

The lighting.

5. What about focus? Can you see a difference in the photos? Tell me what differences and similarities you see.
Some are blurry, but mostly there's alot of white in the pictures.

6. Post the best photo you took on your blog. Make sure to label the following things: ISO, Shutter Speed, F-stop, Distance, Focal Length, Lighting.
ISO: Perfect clear. Shutter Speed: 1/500 F-Stop: F22

7. What do you need to concentrate on when you go out to shoot next time when you have to shoot in Manual setting?
The zoom in and out thing and the lighting.

Great Black & White photographers.

1.) What first caught your eye while looking at your photographers photos? Is there something in particular about their photos that made you want to choose them?

The place where they took the photo and how perfect they took it,

2.) Look at those 2 photos you posted last time. Use your five senses to tell me more about those photos.
-I see Coca cola shop with a gasoline station while a car stops by to get its tank full; I see long grass in a lonley place.
-I smell the gasoline station; the smell of the wind and grass
-I hear the car running while it waits for the tank to be full of gass, i hear the wind buzzing as it moves the grass.
-I taste the smell of the gasoline and the Coca cola store; and the grass as the wind moves it back and forth.
-I feel the rusty car of the man and the wooden store of the Coca Cola; I feel the soft slim rusty piece of the car and the coldest wind.

3.) Finally, what would you like to create to show the world your great photographer. Ideas include, posters, power points, a blog, etc. You tell me what you would like to create so we can come up with a plan to share your thoughts and ideas about your photographer with your classmates and with the rest of the school.

Make a poster and paste all the photos i take in there. I will take photos of nature, animals, people, etc.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Aperture, Shutter, ISO,


F 16.

1.  What part of the body should we closely relate aperture? The eye.
2. the smaller the Aperture the blurry it is, the higher the Aperture the lighter it is.
3. In your own words tell me how aperture impacts Depth of Field? Aperture F 2.8 will make the picture look blurry from the background, while F 16 will make it look kinda clear.
4. With the camera near you - tell me the F stops available on the lens currently attached.  5.0

High shutter speed.

Slow shutter speed.

At the beginning while the sun is still partially up and the courtyard has reasonable light
a.) the dunking booth
b.) the food eating contest
c.) the rock climbing wall
d.) someone working at a booth
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle
f.) the Diamonds performance.

I will use Slow shutter speed for the daylight cause it would be light.

Towards the end when there is no sun and has gotten dark enough that you can't see from one end of the courtyard to the other.
a.) the dunking booth
b.) the food eating contest
c.) the rock climbing wall
d.) someone working at a booth
e.) the DJ/MC working at the middle of the circle
f.) the Diamonds performance.

I will use High shutter speed, cause it will be dark and mostlry in the dark the picture dont come out good.

ISO 200

ISO 3200

1. What are the advantages of shoot at a higher ISO at a sporting event like basketball or a night football game? You will probably get a picture of ISO 3200
2. What suggestions did the author make about using a low ISO? That you should always stick to the lowest ISO of the camra which is 100 or 200.
3. What suggestions did the author make about using a high ISO? That you should use the high iso so it can come better when theres action or anything elese.
4. At the camera near you, please tell me what ISO's are available on your camera?

Sim Cam:
   F2.8 - looks the best at 1/125th of a second shutter speed.
   F 4 is very blurry you can only see white things on the picture but once you put the shutter to 1/25 it clears and look better.
   F 5.6 looks very good with 1/250 shutter. the background is very blurry and kinda dark.
   F 8 looks best at 1/60 and again the background is kinda blurry and the couple are the only ones with a clear quality.
  F11 looks good at 1/30 though its kinda looks blurry but its a good picture.
  F16 and 1/30 looks good and clear even though its kinda dark.

Camera Sim
On both test i got 92 so i did pretty good and yes i get it.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Africa: Black and White

I was really surprise that he would get close to some dangerous animals just to take a pretty picture of it.

My favorite picture was the one were the cheetah is balancing on the branch of the skinny tree and is looking on his right to see a better view.

a.     What kind of camera did he use?
             He uses a Pentax 67II with only two fixed lenses
b.     What is his reason for taking the photos?
               Brandt fell in love with the animals and land of East Africa. Over the next few years, frustrated that he could not capture on film his feelings about the love for animals, he realized there was a way to achieve this through photography, in a way that he felt no one had really done before.
c.     What is his hope by taking these types of photos?
           Taking pictures for his love of animals
d.     Find something he has to say about Africa and post the quote on your blog
             "You wouldn't take a portrait of a human being from a hundred feet away and expect to capture their spirit; you'd move in close."
I think this picture is really cool.

Academic Shoot reflection.

1. What challenges did you encounter while trying to get the photos following the rules I set out for you?

Alot, I couldnt fine the Rule of Thirds, or Balance.

2. What technical aspects of photography or the assignment in general (focus, framing, holding the camera, etc.) did you find yourself thinking about the most? Provide a specific example of what you did to do this correctly.

Focus. I wanted the picture to come out clearly and good, and for the Avoiding Mergers i kinda wanted it to look bad so i switch it to the blurry.

3. If you could do the assignment again, what would you do differently now that you know some basic rules of photography?

Take good picture of The Rule Of Thirds and Balacne, find some good positions for it.
 4. What things would you do the same?

Use the same quality.

5. When you go out with your next set of prompts, which rule do you think will be the easiest to achieve?

Avoiding Mergers and Simplicity.

6. Which rule do you think will be the hardest to capture?

The Rule of Thirds and Balance.

7. What rule are you still not totally clear on and what can you do to figure out what that rule is?The Rule of

Thirds, i can go find more information about it and look up some pictures from it.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Photo shoot.

1. How well did you follow the rule?
I think i did really well.
2. What is the subject?
Avoiding Mergers.
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Yes, because the boy kinda got cut off from the photo.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
I would have made it kinda blurry.

1. How well did you follow the rule?
2. What is the subject?
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
They would probably think something else but you can clearly see the books form lines.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
I would have taken a picture that can clearly see the line pattern easily.
1. How well did you follow the rule?
Kinda good, i should have used something more that made it clearer.
2. What is the subject?
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Yes, you can tell especially with the white border around it.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
Take a picture of a window from far away and it will look like a frame.

1. How well did you follow the rule?
I dont think i did good.
2. What is the subject?
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
No, cause its not that easy to tell what it is.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
Go and take a better picture.
1. How well did you follow the rule?
I didnt know what to find for this, so not good.
2. What is the subject?
The Rule Of Thirds.
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Not really.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
Find more information about this picture and take a better one.
1. How well did you follow the rule?
2. What is the subject?
3.Is it clear to the people looking at your photos what the subject is?
Yes kinda.
4. If you didnt follow the rule well what could you had done diffrently?
I would have moved it a little to the side so the head of the other person didnt come out.